Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll: Evidence Supporting the Storied Trilogy

Research Article

Marissa A. Harrison & Susan M. Hughes

Human Ethology Bulletin, Volume 32, No 3, 63-84,  published September 30, 2017

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Sex, drugs, and rock and roll (SDRR) is a storied trilogy in popular culture. However, in scientific literature, there is little empirical evidence to determine if there is a positive relationship between these three phenomena, despite biological, psychological, and social reasons that would suggest they are connected. Via questionnaire, we asked participants to self-report alcohol and drug use, sexual behaviors and attitudes, and musical ability and preference. Although evidence was limited, there was some support for an SDRR connection, particularly among male performers and female listeners of rock and “harder” music. Interestingly, this mimics patterns of several bird species where males are the producers and females are the consumers of song. Ethological considerations and future directions are discussed.


KeywordsRockmusic, birdsong, sex and drugs, substance use.


ISSN: 2224-4476
