ISHE 2021: Online and Global

We had high hopes that by summer 2021 the pandemic would allow us to hold our meeting in a manner that would involve us meeting up in person at least in smaller groups. Unfortunately, viruses are unpredictable, and therefore we decided to move this year’s meeting online.

Given the global nature of our conference, we have worked out a format that should allow people around the globe to attend the conference without too heavy a burden on their biological clocks.

Abstract submission will open on Feb 15th and close by May 1st. You will be notified on acceptance early June. If your contribution is accepted, please prepare a 5-min talk and submit a video of your talk by June 15th. These videos will be made available on a password-protected platform to the conference attendees to watch whenever they can fit it in their daily schedule.

The conference itself will take place at the time you have already reserved for ISHE, July 5-9 2021.Each day will start with a plenary at 8pm GMT, and after discussion of the plenary we will open discussion breakout rooms for the video contributions. 

More details soon.

And please already put down the dates for the 2022 meeting in your calendar: We will meet at long last in Liverpool: July 4-8 2022!